Double Carrying Foot Brother - XF4166001



The double transport foot allows you to have better control when sewing complex fabrics that slide easily between them such as padding or fabrics that tend to stick to the base of the foot, such as vinyl, leather or synthetic leather.

Ultimi in Magazzino

The double transport foot allows you to have better control when sewing complex fabrics that slide easily between them such as padding or fabrics that tend to stick to the base of the foot, such as vinyl, leather or synthetic leather. In particular, this foot has a roller drag with the possibility of adjusting the intensity of transport on the seam settings screen of the machine. This allows you to sew lightweight fabrics perfectly, but also to transport heavier fabrics or materials in the best way. Instructions in English are included. The foot is only adaptable to Brother V5, V7, XV and VQ2 sewing machines

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