Acufil Quilting Kit
Acufil Quilting Kit
Acufil Quilting Kit
Acufil Quilting Kit
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Acufil Quilting Kit
Acufil Quilting Kit
Acufil Quilting Kit
Acufil Quilting Kit

Acufil Quilting Kit


Perfect for finishing quiltatures! It contains the square AcuFil frame (22 x 22 cm), including magnets and mask, 70 embroideries for quilts, printable patterns to facilitate the centering of the design, and the AcuFil calculator, which allows you to perfectly calculate the size of the space to be quilted. For Janome Memory Craft 12000.


Perfect for finishing quiltatures! It contains the square AcuFil frame (22 x 22 cm), including magnets and mask, 70 embroideries for quilts, printable patterns to facilitate the centering of the design, and the AcuFil calculator, which allows you to perfectly calculate the size of the space to be quilted.

For Janome Memory Craft 12000.

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