Husqvarna Viking 920562096 Ribbon Embroidery Accessory

A real innovation in the field of domestic embroidery machines. With the optional ribbon embroidery accessory, your creative icon will guide you and sew ribbons in embroidery mode. Adding ribbons to your embroidery has never been easier!
A true innovation in the field of home embroidery machines. With the optional ribbon embroidery accessory, your creative icon will guide you and sew ribbons in embroidery mode. Adding ribbons to your embroidery designs has never been easier!
  • Full 360-degree rotation
  • Holds up to 8 meters of tape
  • It can work with different sizes of tape.

There are 4 free specific embroidery designs available for download.

Product Details


Accessory typeEmbroidery Items
Customer typeEmbroidery and Sewing
Compatibile con macchine
  • 8 ) Husqvarna Viking EPIC, Designer Ruby 90, Husqvarna Viking EPIC 980Q

  • 9 ) Husqvarna Viking EPIC 2, Husqvarna Viking EPIC 3

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