Singer 250057202 Needle lance wing Singer Blister of 1 pc 100/16


To achieve beautiful stitches for the hem, the wing needle drills a hole in the fabric while the sewing machine sews around the piercing

Blister of 1 pcs 100/16


Key Benefits:


To achieve beautiful stitches for the hem, the wing needle drills a hole in the fabric while the sewing machine sews around the piercing


For beautiful hem stitches, wing needle punches a hole into your fabric while the sewing machine stitches around the piercing


Para puntadas hermosas en el dobladillo, la aguja de lanza perfora un agujero en la tela mientras la máquina de coser cose alrededor de la perforación.


Para belos pontos na bainha, a agulha de asa perfura o tecido enquanto a máquina costura ao redor da perfuração


Pour réaliser de beaux points d'ourlet, l'aiguille Wing crée un trou dans votre tissu pendant que la machine à coudre fait des points autour du perçage

Product Details


Type of needlesNeedles spear

Specific References


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