Janome Quilting Kit


Fantastic Kit for Quilters who own a Skyline Janome or a Memory Craft 9900 Janome . Look in detail at what it is composed of


For all quilt enthusiasts, Janome offers this fantastic kit that includes everything you need at a truly unique price. In fact you can take the quilt table (or extension) and all the necessary feet for patchwork and quilt, in one go! :)

Let's see what the package contains:

Table for quilt (or extension) very wide and wide: ideal for quilting very large areas of exution, this plexiglass table allows you to place on your sewing machine Janome, all your sewing projects without space problems: FANTASTIC!

  • Quilting foot with central guide
  • Freehand quilting set
  • Open foot for full decorative stitches
  • Transparent quilting foot
  • Foot for appliquè

Compatible with Skyline and MemoryCraft 9900 sewing machines.

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Specific References


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