Husqvarna Viking 620081796 Invisible hemming foot for S15


This foot is used to sew the cuffs of knitted dresses, and to make invisible hems.


This foot is used to sew the cuffs of knitted dresses, and to make invisible hems.

Preparing the machine:

  • Needle: Right Needle
  • Stitch Type: Three-Strand Overlock or Three-Strand Flatlock
  • Stitch length: 4-5 mm
  • Differential: Normal position
  • Upper knife: Working position


  • Fold the fabric as shown and place it under the presser foot.
  • Loosen the screw (A) and adjust the edge guide so that the needle enters the fabric near the folded edge.
  • Sew by gently guiding the fabric so that the needle enters only at the folded edge.
Product Details


Feet compatible with:Husqvarna Viking S15

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