MADEIRA 9436 Stabilizer Cotton Soft Cotton Tear Away White Hook and Loop Embroidery


Tear - Away stabilizers are suitable for embroidery of medium and heavy fabrics.

They are ideal for machine embroidery, but are also excellent for patchwork and quilting work. They are called "Tear Away" (= engl.: tear), as the residues that remain outside the embroidery can be carefully torn off by hand.



White COTTON SOFT stabilizer Stabilizer " Tear - Away "
30 cm x 10 m, Art. 9436
50 cm x 100 m, Art. 9429

Lightweight and soft tear-off stabilizer.
Professional embroidery support for almost all fabrics.
Ideal for machine embroidery, patchwork and quilting.

Instructions for use of COTTON SOFT white:

COTTON SOFT is a soft stabilizer, which can be used universally especially for jobs that require greater stability. It is also possible to use COTTON SOFT in several layers.

Machine Embroidery: COTTON SOFT makes the fabric stable and prevents the fabric from deforming during embroidery.
Cut COTTON SOFT from the roll to the desired length and place it under the fabric to be embroidered. Secure both in the embroidery hoop – the fabric must be at the top. After embroidery, carefully peel off the excess stabilizer.

Machine application:
place COTTON SOFT under the fabric on which the application is to be made. After application, carefully peel off the excess stabilizer.

Paper-piecing: Draw the pattern with a pencil on the COTTON SOFT. After sewing the fabric pieces, carefully peel off the excess stabilizer . Indication: Always store COTTON SOFT in the tightly closed guard. This will protect your stabilizer from dirt, moisture and heat.

Product Details


Stabilizer Length10 meters
100 meters

Specific References


Video di MADEIRA 9436 Stabilizer Cotton Soft Cotton Tear Away White Hook and Loop Embroidery

Stabilizzatori MAdeira Tear Away
Stabilizzatori MAdeira Tear Away

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