Pfaff 620086796 Drawstring foot


The drawstring foot is ideal for inserting cords into the seams or edges and obtaining a professional finish. The cord is sewn between the two layers of fabric in a single operation. A groove under the foot helps guide the drawstring.


The cording foot is ideal for inserting cords into seams or edges for a professional finish. The drawstring is sewn between the two layers of fabric in a single operation. A groove under the foot helps guide the drawstring. For a custom finish, you can create the cord yourself. Do you want to cover the cords with fabric or insert them into the seams for haute couture results? With the cording foot it's quick and easy.

  • Prepare the serger for the desired stitch.
  • Insert the drawstring foot.

To secure the drawstring in a seam:

  • Place the drawstring along the seam, on the right side of the fabric. Place the second fabric on top, right sides facing.
  • Insert the fabric and cord under the presser foot, with the drawstring in the groove under the presser foot.
  • Sew the drawstring into the seam.
  • The groove on the underside of the presser foot guides the cord as you sew.

To make a cord out of fabric:

  • Cut strips of fabric on the bias or in the weave direction wide enough to cover the cord and seam allowances.
  • Place the drawstring on the wrong side of the fabric strip and fold the fabric over the top.
  • Place fabric and drawstring under the presser foot, with the drawstring in the groove below the presser foot.
  • Sew. The groove guides the cord as you sew.
Product Details


Feet compatible with:Coverlock 3.0
Coverlock 4.0
Hobbylock 2.5
Compatibile con tagliacuci

Pfaff HobbyLock 2.5
Pfaff Coverlock 3.0
Pfaff Coverlock 4.0

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